Defiap protects and guarantees for all the hygienic-sanitary safety procedures of its productions, its storage sites and handling of food in accordance with the "hygiene package", as per Regulations 852-853 / 2004 / EC and subsequent amendments.
The self-certification HACCP implemented in 1997 by the Organization and included in the ISO 9001 standard provides:
- definition of a self-control manual HACCP (our. ref. DERF MSP HACCP);
- definition of specific HACCP plans (with identification of risks related to the activities carried out in all different stages, from product delivery to the packaging, the critical points of the process CCP, corrective actions, etc.) that describes all the controls aimed at preventing risks;
- Regular training programs on hygienic-sanitary regulation for all permanent and seasonal staff;
- Periodic internal and external audits to monitor the efficiency of HACCP established plans
The whole documentation related to the HACCP self-control is subject to continuous updates by our internal technical team and the compliance with the requirements that Haccp is expected to meet are periodically verified by the authorities (private and not).
We have also prepared all the necessary procedures for the tracking and tracing of the products as in accordance with the Regulation 178/2002 / EC, in order to ensure a rapid and efficient management of non-compliance and/or market recall procedures over the complete cycle of packaging and distribution of the product with the production lot number listed above as well as on the commercial documents.
The company's policy is strongly oriented towards the primary quality of its products. In order to pursue ever higher results as evidence of their work, from 1997 Defiap chose to voluntarily become certified in compliance with the quality legislation ISO 9001 - recognized worldwide - for the management of the company's quality system. Since then the company has implemented and maintains constantly updated a Quality Management System for warehousing, labeling and packaging of pre-packaged foodstuffs in tinplate containers. Design, development and implementation of innovative solutions for labeling and packaging.
Finally, according to the Reg. 834/2007 and subsequent amendments and additions, for what it concerns organic production and labeling of organic products, Defiap has decided to adhere to a set of requirements and therefore has submitted all of its production process steps to the control of an inspection and certification company authorized by the competent public authorities under the current norms, (CCPB).
Info & Contacts
Legal and administrative offices:
Via B.Casciello, 8 - 84018 Scafati (SA)
Tel. +39 081 8504848
. +39 081 8504858
Fax +39 081 8501076
Via B.Casciello, 8 - 84018 Scafati (SA)
Tel. +39 081 8504848 +39 081 8504858
Fax +39 081 8501076
Via Tora, 20 - 84018 Scafati (SA)
Tel. +39 081 8565098 +39 081 8599784
Fax +39 081 3539292
Via D. Alighieri, 149 - 84018 Scafati (SA)
Tel./Fax +39 081 8509403